New Video Testimonial Released: MARMED Project Study Visit

Aug 7, 2024 | News

We are excited to announce the release of the video testimonial documenting the Study Visit organized in the frame of MARMED Project, the 13 and 14 of July in Trieste . This video captures the essence of the study visit, highlighting key moments and sharing personal testimonies from participants.

The study visit, a crucial component of the MARMED project, brought together 20 participants, among expert cluster managers, aspiring cluster managers, and Blue Economy experts who are currently undergoing the Blue Cluster Manager Training.

Through this video, you can relive the experience, witnessing firsthand the collaborative efforts, innovative discussions, and the vibrant exchange of ideas that took place in Trieste! Participants share their insights and reflections, providing a deeper understanding of the project’s impact and the valuable lessons learned.

This testimonial not only showcases the achievements of the study visit but also emphasizes the importance of Cluster Managers and deepen the understanding of their complex role in the Blue Economy ecosystem.

Don’t miss this opportunity to see the MARMED project in action and hear directly from those involved.

Watch the video now and be inspired by the journey and discoveries of the MARMED study visit.

The video is available here.